Cigarral Toledo

Christmas dinners: discover how to organize a winning event

Just like every year, with the arrival of December comes the Christmas season and cities and towns are filled with lights and festive atmosphere. And as tradition calls, the time company Christmas dinners also take place. Wondering if this is really something that interests your business. The answer is very simple: Of course, it is!

Christmas dinners: discover how to organize a winning event Read More »

Pre-wedding or post-wedding party? Discover the advantages

Surely when you have been to a wedding of really close friends or family, you have had the feeling that the day has gone through very fast and you have not been able to enjoy as much as you would have liked with the happy couple. Well, that feeling is greater when it comes down to your own wedding and, and that is why, more and more couples are opting to celebrate a pre- or post-wedding party, or even both.

Pre-wedding or post-wedding party? Discover the advantages Read More »